Monday, November 12, 2012

Heather Kelly: Tina Enghoff

I chose to draw inspiration from Danish photographer Tina Enghoff's series Seven Years. Her work depicts foreign women who, under laws in Denmark, cannot leave abusive relationships without the possibility of being deported. These photographs are lonely and isolated, and each focuses on a different woman whose face is always turned away from the camera. I attempted to create images using the same general aesthetic as Enghoff, keeping the subject out of focus and anonymous. Often her subjects are in unnatural poses and I recreated this as well, which makes each image feel imbalanced and uncomfortable.

her website ( is broken but several images from her series can be viewed here.


  1. Your photographs are so beautiful! With their simple composition, complimentary color schemes, and the very dramatic mood, I'm just captivated by their subjects. The forest where you took these pictures reminds me of the forests in Skodsborg,Denmark. My family and I lived nearby a forest just like this when I was attended ninth grade there. :)

  2. I think you were very successful in creating an uneasy, anxious feeling. The shallow depth of field and having the anonymous woman out of focus in many of the pictures are the things that help create this feeling for me. I really like the first photo because of the colors and how the the tree frames the woman. The exposure is perfect. You can see the sunlight in her hair, but none of the detail is lost.

  3. I love these pictures, and I think that the message it conveys is a powerful one. I remember you saying you didn't mean for the series to have a 'girl about to be hurt' feel, but that is howI felt after looking at them. I felt like I was watching a crime show and we got to see a girl before her final moments. I think that is very powerful. Even though most of the pictures are out of focus and maybe that isn't 'allowed' in photography necessarily, it works with this series and you did a great job.
