Monday, October 15, 2012

Samantha Pompeo

For this assignment, I chose to portray the theme of marriage, and what married people do together to make their marriage work. I chose to photograph my brother and sister-in-law in their apartment. I photographed them doing some of their favorite things to do together as a couple, and I also included a portrait of each of them. For the most part, they are doing things that are more serious, but they also do things together that are fun.


  1. I love the feeling of domesticity I get from these photos. The cooking one is by far my favorite, followed by the one of them with their instruments--it feels so organic and the blurred motion in that one is fantastic. I like the higher contrast photos best, they have a really nice range of tones.

  2. I really like the fact that you told a story with your photos. Its one that a lot of people are familiar with but to see a day in the life of someone else is extremely interesting. I really like the one with the subjects playing instruments. It shows the chaos and fun people have together and it's very real. Great job :)

  3. I agree with Heather! I really love the ones with a bit more contrast to them. I think it makes them feel a bit more alive. For whatever reason, I also feel a bit more of a connection to the photos that are horizontal...I think the use of space is really successful in them. And I actually think that the last photo of them watching tv is one of the best! Their expressions seem very real to me and I really got the feeling that I was looking at a little piece of their everyday life. And I give you super props for not making it feel "disney-ish". That could have happened so easily, but instead I just feel like I'm looking at a story of two people and their life together. Good job :)

  4. I absolutely love your series of photographs here. I love each of the photographs you chose to portray your brother and his wife and their relationship together. I love that the first two photos are closeup portrait shots of both of them with opposing split light on their faces. It effectively demonstrated to my mind that they are similar in some ways, but different in many ways as well, but that their differences compliment each other and that that is what marriage is about. I was able to relate well with these photos and they were really powerful to me. They reminded me of the relationship between my wife and I. My absolute favorites are the cooking, the music, and the flowers. Those images in particular were very powerful and striking for me. The other photos I liked, but they felt distant and in some cases, forced. I feel that if your came closer to the subjects in the shots that it would have been more effective. Great Job though... I would have loved to see more photos in this series.
