Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Karsh Challenge

Well Folks, what can I say?  I'm so excited to share the images from our last assignment.  We're learning portraiture, and began with all the basics.  We combed through classic portraiture lighting patterns, lighting ratios, light modifiers, and lighting diagrams.  We learned to create the five basic lighting patterns on the face both indoors and using natural light outdoors.
Our 'Karsh Challenge' required everyone to dissect a portrait, break down it's elements, and truly see how the light functioned on the face of the subject.  The challenge was to choose an image created by renowned portrait photographer Yousuf Karsh, or famous glamour photographer George Hurrell.  The first object was to make an 'identical' approximation, using a similar pose, and mirroring the lighting used by the original artist.  The second object was to create a 'personal interpretation' of the original image.
Take a look at the beautiful work created this week!  I'm incredibly thrilled with the attention to detail and effort that was put into creating these photographs.  Just Fantastic.


  1. these are soooo epic!! great job everyone!

  2. I like Tiger Castro a lot not only because it is a a well composed photograph but it is also very contradictory of Casto's communist Ideals. It totally looks like a capitalist commercial for Philly Blunts and tiger hats hahaha.
